
Two years of illegal war against Ukraine

  It is now two years that Russia tried to invade Ukraine and started an illegal war against its people. Russia has attacked hospitals, homes, destroyed the city of Mariopol, murdered the people of Bucha, attacked food storage in Odesa, destroyed the Kakhovka Dam to use it as a weapon of war... Yet Putin survives, yet the Kremlin's rule continues...  Russia invaded the neighbor country Ukraine and remains with impunity seating at the UN Security Council and other UN functions... pulling strings in the global economy...   I still have hope that the good people will win and there will be justice, but it is crazy that it is taking so long. It is not acceptable that a country illegally invades another, kills, rapes, destroys, ignores all human rights and remains with impunity... in the XXI century. The world cannot allow this, it is too barbaric!

Why caricature Putin?

Vote on your favourite caricature Do any of these look like Putin to you? what is your favorite caricature?  did I have any success in capturing Putin's likeness? P lease leave a comment to let me know. Caricature as a weapon for peace Putin deserves to be captured and trialed for his crimes, as do the ones that follow his orders on the ground, in the Ukrainian territory, illegally occupied by Russia. I do believe that war criminals, tyrants, and any other type of genocidal power-abusing invaders deserve to be mocked, ridiculed and otherwise publicly humiliated until they fall, not necessarily by violence, but by the loudness and undeniable-evidence and weight of their own wrong-doing.  So for the past fifteen months since Russia invaded Ukraine I have been trying to caricature Vladimir Putin. As I am just a hobbyist aspiring artist,  and can only work on this in my spare time, it has taken me this much time. Honestly, I thought this absurd war would be over before I would ever nee

Putin, Mad or Bad?

About the designs: The first image, was inspired by a few online articles I read at the end of February /beginning of March 2022 as to whether Putin has gone mad or is simply bad. My current take is that he is both mad and bad. Version 2 is just an update of the caricature. Do you recognize him? Vote now, your opinion matters! And from these two versions, which do you like best? Participate in other design polls: Black heart

Stop war: vote on your favorite design, we want your opinion!

About these designs: The Stop War design was created back in March 2022 to express great sadness for the invasion and war against the people of Ukraine, the killing of civilians, destruction of homes and hospitals, stealing children and many other violations of basic human rights. The second version with the tag #StandWithUkraine was created in 2023, to ensure the message is clear. In Germany there was a long debate on weather tanks should be given to Ukraine to defend its territory. I am for peace but Ukraine is under attack and has the right to self-defense, it is Russia that must stop war now! These designs can be used in t-shirts, mugs, notebooks, stickers, pillows, laundry bags and more.  Vote now, your opinion matters! Participate in other design polls: Mad or bad?

Am I making money selling t-shirts?

All right, let us get it out in the open... if you are reading this blog you are probably thinking "she is doing this to make money selling t-shirts for peace in Ukraine, not because she cares about the war". Not true! I have no intention of making money out of this. Let me show you why.  1. Designing t-shirts is very time consuming Art is just a hobby for me, I have no professional training in graphic design. Producing visually attractive designs with meaningful messages for peace and justice takes me a very long time to do. Just to try to make an acceptable caricature of the aggressor Head-of-State who is leading the war of aggression against Ukraine took me about 11 months, with many failed attempts in between - see image below.  Trying to capture the likeness of the invading Head-of-State Can you guess who is the aggressor Head-of-State that I am trying to caricature?  What do you think, does any of these caricatures capture his likeness? Feel free to leave your opinion i

What can I do for peace in Ukraine?

  The United Nations were not able to stop Russia's attacks on Ukraine.  Can ordinary citizens make a difference?  Yes.  The situation is terrible, hell on earth Mass killing of civilians, destruction of hospitals, schools, water and energy supply infrastructure, committing atrocities… Russia has been breaking every moral standard and the fundamental international laws, including the United Nations Charter, humanitarian aid law, an International Court of Justice decision, as most Countries stated in the United Nations General Assembly on March 23rd and 24th, 2022.  Unfortunately Russia has a lot of power over other countries, because many depend on imports of oil, coal and natural gas from Russia. This gives Russia leverage over the other countries but it is also a major source of funding for Russia. –  according to the International Energy Agency, in January 2022, 45% of Russia’s federal budget came from oil and gas-related taxes and export tariffs alone. So Russia depends on the

Why this blog?

  I am an ordinary person, less outspoken than most. I work too much and I am married, I do not have much time for activism. So why write a blog against war in Ukraine, a foreign land with which I have no connection? Russia invaded Ukraine On the night of 23 to 24 February 2022, Russia illegally invaded Ukraine, and everything changed. Ukrainian people are being attacked in their homes, cities and communities. Theirs lives, their livelihoods, their physical integrity, their access to food, water and energy are threatened. Murdered, imprisoned, raped, trafficked.  For key information on the war in Ukraine, visit the webpage:  United Nations Regional Information Centre for Westerns Europe .  Imagine if this happened to you, to your family, to your neighbors, to your friends. This is unacceptable, it cannot be allowed! We must act against such monstrosity, in any way we can. All of us. The art of CitizenPower4Peace The way I thought I could help was to use my amateur skills as a hobbyist