Two years of illegal war against Ukraine

It is now two years that Russia tried to invade Ukraine and started an illegal war against its people. Russia has attacked hospitals, homes, destroyed the city of Mariopol, murdered the people of Bucha, attacked food storage in Odesa, destroyed the Kakhovka Dam to use it as a weapon of war... Yet Putin survives, yet the Kremlin's rule continues... Russia invaded the neighbor country Ukraine and remains with impunity seating at the UN Security Council and other UN functions... pulling strings in the global economy... I still have hope that the good people will win and there will be justice, but it is crazy that it is taking so long. It is not acceptable that a country illegally invades another, kills, rapes, destroys, ignores all human rights and remains with impunity... in the XXI century. The world cannot allow this, it is too barbaric!
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